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Review: You are the Best Wife by Ajay K Pandey

You are the Best Wife by Ajay K Pandey
You are the Best Wife by Ajay K Pandey

Author: Ajay K Pandey
Price: Rs. 88
Pages: 248
Genre: Romance, Non-Fiction
You are the best wife, is a truly inspiring story of the Author, engages audience really well. The cover pic of the book itself says a lot here, the picture of couple signifies authors life and his memories of his wife, the title tells us the book is about the mood of the book and pen signifies that author wanted to write his life experiences with his wife.
The story revolves around Bhavna and Ajay. Bhavna loves living life for others and Ajay is more of selfish kind of person. Bhavna is more spontaneous, doesn’t think about what next and just goes with the flow. On the other hand, Ajay plans meticulously but opposites attract I suppose. They meet, they fall in love, they get married and love between them changes both of them for good.
You can never rate a true story like the other ones, but sometimes a true story can be more beautiful than a fictional one. Ajay K Pandey has poured out his heart in this book without a doubt. The writing style doesn’t have the extra bit of masala unlike many fictional stories but his style of writing is more straightforward and simple. The love story between Ajay and Bhavna could be the next door couple of each of our lives. The narration was really good, it almost left me teary eyed towards the end and makes people realize how important it is to live in the moment. What happened to Bhavna could have happened to anyone else, we can never bring back people but it’s their memories we can live through all over again.
You can grab the book here


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